Originally, the school building was a three-story red brick construction, leveled-up with a fourth floor in the years 1927-1928. The whole is decorated with omnidirectional cornices and (partially pseudo) avant-corps. The flanking columns and part of the old portal have survived to this day. Inside, there are richly decorated staircases, a cross vault and colored lead glass windows in the auditorium. The single-storey sports hall was closed with a hipped roof and a turret.
Historical background
Built in 1901-1902, the school complex was put into operation in April 1902 as a primary school for 70 pupils and students, with two mixed classes and six separate classes for boys and girls. In the summer of 1915, the building was renamed to the Pestalozzi School. Thanks to spatial expansion undertaken in the years 1927-1928, it was possible to accommodate an additional seven classes with a simultaneous reduction in their number. During World War II, the school served as a reserve hospital, and the gymnasium as a troop formation station, which was why it was severely damaged by artillery fire. After the war, the entire school complex was thoroughly renovated - from that moment on, four different schools operated here. Due to the size of the building, apart from its original function, it also served as a meeting and cultural place.
Over the years, the primary school was first transformed into a high school, later into an extended high school, and from 1990 into a municipal gymnasium.